Monday, December 30, 2019

8 Requisitos esenciales del matrimonio para Inmigración

Es bien sabido que tanto los ciudadanos americanos como los residentes permanentes legales pueden pedir para sus esposos una tarjeta de residencia, tambià ©n conocida como la green card. Y esto aplica tanto a los matrimonios entre una mujer y un varà ³n como a los de dos personas del mismo sexo. Ademà ¡s, el matrimonio  una de las formas mà ¡s rà ¡pidas de obtener la residencia, si bien es mà ¡s rà ¡pido en el caso de peticiones cursadas por ciudadanos que las solicitadas por residentes. Pero para que esta tramitacià ³n migratoria llegue a buen puerto, Inmigracià ³n establece que necesario  que el matrimonio cumpla con una seria de caracterà ­sticas. En este artà ­culo se explican cuà ¡les son los requisitos que debe cumplir el matrimonio para inmigracià ³n y tambià ©n cuà ¡les pueden ser los problemas que dan lugar a la negacià ³n de la green card. Y es que el matrimonio por sà ­ solo no garantiza la obtencià ³n de la residencia. Para empezar, cuatro requisitos que aplican a todos los matrimonios, sin importar el lugar de celebracià ³n. A continuacià ³n se explican otros cuatro requisitios que deben cumplir cuando el matrimonio tiene lugar en Estados Unidos o uno de sus territorios, como por ejemplo, Puerto Rico. 4 requisitos del  matrimonio para Inmigracià ³n sin importar lugar de celebracià ³n Para que las autoridades migratorias aprueben una tarjeta de residencia por matrimonio, à ©ste debe cumplir los siguientes ​cuatro  requisitos: En primer lugar, legalidad. El matrimonio tiene que  tener validez en el lugar de su celebracià ³n, ademà ¡s, tiene que poder obtenerse un documento oficial en el que consta su celebracià ³n.  Son và ¡lidos tanto los religiosos como los civiles y cualquier otra fà ³rmula que sea aceptada como và ¡lida en la localidad en la el casorio tuvo lugar.​ En segundo lugar, debe ser de buena fe. Lo que tambià ©n se conoce con el nombre de bona fide. Esto es, que se trata de un matrimonio de verdad, no uno que se ha celebrado con el objetivo de que uno de los contrayentes pueda sacar los papeles para la residencia permanente.  Los matrimonios falsos son perseguidos por el Servicio de Ciudadanà ­a e Inmigracià ³n (USCIS, por sus siglas en inglà ©s).  Los castigos pueden ser severos.   En tercer lugar, es necesaria la presencia en la boda. Ambas partes conyugales deben estar presentes. Es decir, como regla general no se admiten los matrimonios por poder. Si este es tu caso, deberà ¡s probar que despuà ©s del casorio ha habido una consumacià ³n de la relacià ³n (ha habido sexo entre los esposos). En cuarto lugar, se exige solterà ­a. Hay que ser soltero o divorciado o ser viudo o haber obtenido la anulacià ³n de un matrimonio anterior. No se admite ni la bigamia ni la poligamia. 4 requisitos adicionales si el matrimonio se celebra en Estados Unidos Las bodas y sus requisitos son un asunto regulado por cada estado. Esto quiere decir que tienes que cumplir con las leyes del lugar en el que celebra.  Debes tener en cuenta estos 4 requisitos: 1. Residencia. En algunos estados deberà ¡s residir en el estado por un nà ºmero de dà ­as para poder casarte. En otros no. Esto quiere decir que puedes casarte legalmente en algunos estados en los que no vives, pero en otros no serà ¡ posible. Lo importante es que una vez que se celebra el matrimonio en EEUU respetando las leyes estatales del lugar serà ¡ reconocido por todos los estados y, lo mà ¡s importante para inmigracià ³n, por el gobierno federal. 2. Edad. Si tienes 18 aà ±os, puedes contraer matrimonio libremente. Si eres mà ¡s joven deberà ¡s verificar las leyes de tu estado. En muchos es posible casarse con 16, pero en otros serà ¡ preciso el consentimiento de los padres. Para edades mà ¡s jà ³venes siempre se va a necesitar dicho consentimiento e incluso en algunos estados el de un juez. 3. Parentesco. Si te quieres casar con un primo carnal (en primer grado) deberà ¡s comprobar las leyes locales, ya que aproximadamente la mitad de los estados lo prohà ­be o establece serias limitaciones de edad requiriendo que los novios hayan dejado atrà ¡s la edad de procrear. 4. Common law. En algunos estados se considera matrimonio cuando dos personas se ponen de acuerdo en vivir juntas y proclamarse pà ºblicamente como esposos. Esto es posible si vives en Alabama, Carolina del Sur, Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Montana, Oklahoma, Pensilvania, Rhode Island, Texas, Utah y el Distrito de Columbia. Si este es tu caso antes de presentar los papeles habla con un abogado de inmigracià ³n o consulta directamente con el USCIS, lo que puedes hacer con el servicio de INFOPASS. Por supuesto que los matrimonios celebrados en el Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico son reconocidos por las autoridades de inmigracià ³n a todos los efectos migratorios. 6 problemas que pueden surgir en la tramitacià ³n de la residencia por matrimonio A pesar de estar casado legalmente y de  buena fe con un ciudadano estadounidense o un residente permanente legal puede darse el caso de que las autoridades migratorias no aprueben para el cà ³nyuge pedido la green card, o la visa de inmigrante si està ¡ en el extranjero. Las razones pueden ser varias, destacando las siguientes: 1. Que la persona que presenta la peticià ³n, es decir, el ciudadano o el residente, haya sido condenado por un delito que impide solicitar los papeles para un familiar segà ºn la ley Adam Walsh.   2. Que la persona que presenta la peticià ³n no tenga los recursos econà ³micos que pide la ley para poder patrocinar a un familiar. Este tema es particularmente problemà ¡tico cuando se trata de un ciudadano americano que lleva tiempo viviendo en otro paà ­s y desea regresarse a los Estados Unidos acompaà ±ado de su cà ³nyuge. En todo caso, tener presente que si se carecen de medios econà ³micos la ley permite buscar co-patrocinador para firmar la declaracià ³n de sostenimiento (affidavit of support). 3. Que el matrimonio sea considerado falso por Inmigracià ³n. Tener en cuenta que es posible la denuncia anà ³nima de matrimonios de conveniencia. 4. Que la persona que presenta la peticià ³n decide ponerle fin durante su tramitacià ³n. 5. Que se produce un divorcio. Esto podrà ­a  ser especialmente problemà ¡tico en los casos de residencias permanentes concedidas condicionalmente por un periodo de dos aà ±os, pero no es el à ºnico caso. 6. Que la persona extranjera para la que se piden los papeles sea inadmisible. Es decir, que la residencia se deniegue por una de estas 42 causas. En este punto hay que tener en cuenta que el problema surge al final de la tramitacià ³n. Es decir, se obtiene la aprobacià ³n de la primera gestià ³n, que es el formulario I-130, pero al final Inmigracià ³n dice no. En este apartado de considerar al extranjero como inadmisible destacar dos casos, aunque no son los à ºnicos. En primer lugar, si se ha ingresado a los Estados Unidos con visa K-1 de prometido de ciudadano americano, es necesario casarse con la persona que realizà ³ la peticià ³n. No es posible casarse con otra distinta. Esto solo da lugar a problemas y muy serios.   En segundo lugar, el problema que surge cuando el extranjero pedido està ¡ ilegalmente en los Estados Unidos. Si se encuentra en la actualidad como indocumentado decir que si se casa con un residente permanente no podrà ¡ arreglar los papeles por esa causa, porque no puede ajustar su estatus. P​or el contrario, si  se casa con un ciudadano americano hay una gran diferencia entre las personas que ingresaron a los Estados Unidos legalmente y que sà ­ pueden ajustar su estatus y aquellos que cruzaron ilegalmente, que no pueden hacerlo. Las personas en esta à ºltima situacià ³n tienen que salir de los Estados Unidos para ir a travà ©s de un procedimiento consular y ahà ­ probablemente surjan los problemas y tengan que esperar fuera por mucho tiempo.   Otra posible opcià ³n es el Parole in Place, pero en este caso el migrante indocumentado que ingresà ³ ilegalmente tendrà ­a que estar casado con un ciudadano que està ¡ en el Ejà ©rcito o es veterano.Por eso consultar con un abogado reputado para ver cuà ¡les son las opciones. Verificar tambià ©n si es posible calificar para recibir la waiver provisional por dureza extrema, que se recibe antes de salir de los Estados Unidos. Por à ºltimo, los extranjeros que han estado ilegalmente en los Estados Unidos y ahora està ¡n fuera del paà ­s està ¡n sujetos, salvo excepciones, al castigo de los 3 y de los 10 aà ±os  aunque tengan una peticià ³n realizada por un cà ³nyuge. Aunque en algunos casos es posible pedir una waiver, tambià ©n conocido como perdà ³n o permiso, lo cierto es que no aplica a todos y hay que cumplir requisitos muy serios. En otras palabras, hay que tener muy claro en el caso de ser migrante indocumentado cuà ¡ndo se està ¡ en una situacià ³n que la ley permite ajustar el estatus por matrimonio y cuà ¡ndo no es posible. Es importante conocer la situacià ³n real, buscar buen consejo legal y evitar ser và ­ctimas de fraude por parte de personas sin escrà ºpulos que prometen arreglar los papeles a cambio de pagar una importante suma de dinero y por ley es imposible que se dà © lo que prometen. Carga pà ºblica y beneficios pà ºblicos como causa para negar la residencia El gobierno del presidente Donald Trump ha establecido nuevas reglas por las que se puede negar la residencia a cualquier migrante que reciba determinados beneficios pà ºblicos o que se considere carga pà ºblica. Para ello deben considerarse factores como edad, salud, situacià ³n familiar, ingresos, patrimonio, etc. La nueva normativa deberà ­a entrar en vigor con fecha del 15 de octubre de 2019. Sin embargo, cortes federales impiden su aplicacià ³n a USCIS y al Departamento de Seguridad Interna (DHS), al menos por el momento. Sin embargo, las decisiones judiciales no afectan al Departamento de Estado, que sà ­ puede aplicar las reglas de carga pà ºblica para aprobar o negar visas en embajadas y consulados. Finalmente, a partir del 3 de noviembre de 2019 entran en vigor nuevas reglas sobre requisitos de seguro mà ©dico para todos los solicitantes de visas de inmigrante para la residencia. Test de respuestas mà ºltiples sobre la green card Este test resuelve importantes dudas e inquietudes comunes sobre la tarjeta de residencia. Se aconseja tomarlo. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Homelessness in America Essay - 2028 Words

According to Streetwise of Street News Services (2010), the first reported instances of homelessness dates as far back as 1640, in some of the larger cities in the original 13 colonies. At this time, there were wars being fought between settlers and Native Americans, and people were left with no shelter in both sides (Street News Service, 2010). Later, the industrial revolution caused more homelessness, industrial accidents left many former hard-working families with a dead provider, or with severe disabilities, and then the economy entered a recession in the same time period (Street News Service, 2010). Wars always left a large number of veterans homeless. Later, in 1927, there was an astronomical flood along the Mississippi River,†¦show more content†¦This act has been amended four times since being signed into law in 1987, in 1988, 1990, 1992, and 1994. The amendments in 1988 were relatively minor, and added a few additional places where funds from this act could be di stributed (National Coalition for the Homeless, 2006). In 1990, the amendments changed far more of the act than with previous amendments, and many new programs were created, including Shelter Plus Care program (providing assistance to those with disabilities and addictions), and the Community Mental Health Services was amended and given a new name, Projects for Assistance in Transition from Homelessness (National Coalition for the Homeless, 2006). The amendments in 1992 both expanded and modified Title IV, which included several programs that were overseen by the Department of Housing and Urban Development, to include the creation of â€Å"safe havens†, which are very low-cost shelters available to people who do not wish to utilize other services, and the Rural Homeless Housing Assistance grant program (National Coalition for the Homeless, 2006). The most recent amendments to the McKinney-Vento Act took place in 1994, and these amendments focused on Education of the Homele ss Children and Youth program, and theShow MoreRelatedHomelessness In America1007 Words   |  5 PagesHomelessness in the United States is a serious problem that can be helped by giving homeless people opportunities to thrive in better conditions and/or communities. Although getting them off the streets is a huge step in the right direction, other actions need to be taken. Making sure they have somebody in their corner is a huge step in that process. There are 1,750,000 homeless people on the streets at this very moment. 1 in 30 children in the US, 40% of the homeless population are also VeteransRead MoreHomelessness in America3563 Words   |  15 PagesHomelessness in America Social Program: Public Housing Introduction The issue of homelessness is one that I can relate to all too well. About twenty five years ago I found myself among the homeless. My story is simple, I had no formal education and was working a job making minimum wage. I couldn’t keep up with my rent and other living expenses and was finally evicted from my overpriced apartment. At the time I was on a waiting list for public housing for which there wasRead MoreHomelessness in America Essay1414 Words   |  6 PagesHomelessness in America Here in Tahoe, we are lucky enough to experience a great quality of life, and only a few have to face the horrible life of poverty and homelessness. However, nationwide, even right outside the basin, homelessness is a growing epidemic across the country. There are many ways one can become homeless; for the most part poverty. There are also different concentrations of homeless in different types of terrain, such as urban or suburban areas. Last, there is the ever- growingRead MoreHomelessness in America Essay1172 Words   |  5 Pagesfor homeless programs (Romeo 1). The problem of homelessness and extreme poverty is not a new occurrence; but in past years more extreme measures have been taken to combat the issue as more people become homeless. Expensive social programs and housing developments for the homeless have been created to help battle the increasing issue. Homelessness is an expensive problem that will never end; furthermore, the condition of homeless people in America is af fected by the type of education they receiveRead More Homelessness in America Essay608 Words   |  3 Pages Homelessness is not something that was created over night; it has existed for a long time; often we choose not to see the homeless, or bother with them, so we look the other way.  Ã‚  Ã‚   Homelessness is not prejudice toward race, creed, or religion--it has no boundaries; all homeless people should not be stereotyped as being drug abusers or the mentally ill that have been released from mental hospitals. Homelessness is not a disease that a person can catch from bodily contact, but it certainlyRead More Homelessness in america Essay1369 Words   |  6 Pages Homelessness in America nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Here in Tahoe, we are lucky enough to experience a great quality of life, and only a few have to face the horrible life of poverty and homelessness. However, nationwide, even right outside the basin, homelessness is a growing epidemic across the country. There are many ways one can become homeless; for the most part poverty. There are also different concentrations of homeless in different types of terrain, such as urban or suburban areas. LastRead MoreHomelessness in America Essay1783 Words   |  8 PagesHomelessness in America Each country in the world is faced with various social issues that attract the interests of society and the government. Homelessness is an enormous issue that America has been dealing with for years. There are millions of people, including children, families, veterans, and the elderly who go day to day without food, water or any form of shelter. Mentally ill people also have a rough time out on the streets due to their state of confusion, which makes it dangerous for themRead MoreEnding Homelessness in America634 Words   |  3 Pageseasily lead someone into a financial struggle. This can lead to homelessness. Homelessness is not a lifestyle that one would choose by choice. In 2003, there has been ... as many as 1.3 million Canadians that have experienced some point during the last 5 years. Affordable housing costs less on an annual basis compared to putting the homeless in prison. Canada was the last to have an action plan towards ending homelessness and as we ar e understanding; the prisons are being over-populatedRead MoreThe Effect of Homelessness on the Youth of America1086 Words   |  5 Pages There are millions of homeless youth in America. On any given night, you can find these children ducking into abandoned buildings, crammed up against alley dumpsters, curled inside the big yellow slide of a local playground. I imagine they are thankful for sleep, wary of a new day, but thankful nonetheless. Homelessness at such a young age if left alone, leads to increased rates of conflict. The more homeless youths now, the more our country as a whole will have to deal with divorce, mental illnessRead MoreThe Homelessness Population in America Essay1910 Words   |  8 Pagesto cultural normalization. The social issue researched will be homelessness and the impact along society. Homelessness is a social concern that raises issues for government officials, communities, and people along the community in so many ways. Every town or city is impacte d by this liaison. In 2012 The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) calculated an estimate of at least 700,000 people enlisted as homeless in America. This has been an issue for centuries and is an everlasting effect

Saturday, December 14, 2019

How to Prevent Air Pollution Free Essays

HOW TO PREVENT AIR POLLUTION Let us take a nice look to talk about what the a? r polluti? on really is. I mean the reality is that the issue of air pollution control needs is something that we all are well aware of. But are we facing the exact way that we have to prevent it? Really, its a major problem to the whole of the continent and it can cause a global warming to all over the world. We will write a custom essay sample on How to Prevent Air Pollution or any similar topic only for you Order Now There are three steps that we have to take to solve this air pollution problems: recycling, saving energy and placing factories outside of the city. Recycling is one of the best ways to reduce air pollition. The first step we need to take is that we have to pro duce less to conserve mor energy. second, We see many people throwing things in the roads in our daily life. some of these people foced them to do this with out containers on the road and some others do this by offens? vely. So we have to put containers to every were posible and we have to show the others who do this by consciously. also, we have to work hard to stop what ever can increase air pollition. y the way we have to stop using volotile organic compounds (VOC) which are the gases that are emitted from certain materials. These materials include spray paints, pesticides, glues, permanent markers, etc. Instead of going for materials that contain VOCs, we have to go to the products that contain water as basically or have low levels of VOCs. Second step that we can prevent air pollution is saving energy. Suerly, how much energy we save, reduces the amount of air polluti on in the air. imple steps that we can save energy is using les natural gasses, gasoline and electricity which can actually save a lot of fossil fuels. In order to save electricity, we to take small steps like using fans instead of air conditioners, turn off electrical appliances when we leave a room, replace our incandescent lights with fluorescent lights, use solar energy, use a microwave to heat up small meals than burning the gas stove, purchase energy saving appliances, and so on. Also there is another step that we can save energy to reduce air polution. For example when we are driving, we to take these steps like obeying the speed limit, replacing our car’s air filter on time, accelerating gradually, keeping our tires inflated properly, buying cars that are designed to emit low pollution. The last step is that we have to locate factories outside of the cities. As we all are well aware of, factories produce a lot of carbon dioxide which is very dangerous to the hole global. The reality is that we need them because they are necesary to our lives. But the only way we can reduce their harmfulness is that we have to make them outside of the cities. Also we have stop doing same factories which are same work if there are enough factories that can do the job as much as we need. Because building same factories will only increase the emissions. In conclution, we have to take these above steps to prevent this global problem which is air pollution. Actually no matter where you live, air is that one element that will always be around you. So, if you think that staying at home will keep you safe no matter how polluted it is outside, you are completely wrong. Infact if you see many recent researches which are talked to air pollution, you would know that air pollution is the leading cause of many air borne diseases like bronchitis, asthma, non fatal heart attacks, and other respiratory conditions leading to premature deaths all across the globe. How to cite How to Prevent Air Pollution, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Should Richer Nations Help Poorer Nations free essay sample

However, it is not possible for rich nations to stop giving aid as poor nations will be unable to survive on its own. Rich nations should stop giving aid to poorer nations as this can create over-reliance. Due to the constant help given by rich nations, government of poorer nations may end up not doing anything to help its country and allow richer nations to help them. This will result in them being unable to be independent and always have to rely on richer nations for aid. Problems may start surfacing during economic crisis where richer nations may cut down the amount of aid to help their own countries. During economic crisis, rich nations will demand lesser of poor nations’ exports, leading to a fall in income for poor nations. Coupled with a fall in aid, poor nations may experience recession and since poor nations are used to getting aid from rich nations, they may be unable to get out of recession until rich nations start to give more aid. We will write a custom essay sample on Should Richer Nations Help Poorer Nations or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Thus, rich nations should try and stop giving aid to poorer nations so that poorer nations will start to rely on themselves. There is a reason for rich nations to think twice before giving aid to poorer nations as there are corrupt governments which misuse the aid given to them. Instead of effectively using the aid to alleviate the suffering of those in poverty, aid is used for military purposes. In May the Burmese government hindered international relief efforts after the most damaging cyclone in its history, which killed an estimated 130,000. Burma has also received extensive military aid from India and China in the past. According to some estimates, Burma has received more than US$200 million in military aid from India. In the Corruption Perceptions Index Report for 2010 released by Transparency International, Burma ranks second to the bottom among 176 countries surveyed worldwide by the international corruption watchdog. Due to such rampant corruption in Burma, the people are still suffering from lack of food, water and amenities. This leads to rich nations asking themselves whether the aid should be given at all, if it is not put to good use. However, rich nations canoot let the poor nations survive on their own due to many reasons. Rich nations will be able to improve their economies if they provide aid for poor nations. By helping poor nations, they will be able to develop and enabling the citizens to have higher standard of living. When this happens, their demand for goods will increase and they will start importing from other countries or producing their own goods. This will benefit rich nations as their exports will increase leading to them getting richer while poor nations will start to become more developed. The GNI(PPP) per capita for Sub-Saharan Africa (which composed of 45 countries including Somalia and Ethiopia) has been rising over the years from US$2164 in 2008 to US$2242 in 2010. This shows that aid is useful in helping the country’s economy as it enables the gross national income to rise and enable the citizens to have higher standard of living. Thus, rich nations should not stop giving aid as it will result in the worsening of the problem of poverty in poor nations. Rich countries cannot simply let the poor countries fend for themselves as they lack the resources to fight poverty. They absolutely need external help to provide resources and knowledge in order to begin the fight to alleviate poverty. As South Asians lurch toward the 2015 deadline for meeting the Millennium Development Goals (MDG), it is important to recognize their governments role and the need for help from rich donor nations to significantly increase spending on human development for poverty reduction. However, the South Asian governments alone cannot do it. The private sector organizations, NGOs and civil society have to come forward to make their contribution toward meeting the important MDG goals to reduce poverty and hunger and improve health and literacy. In Pakistans case in particular, the overseas Pakistanis and Pakistans middle class need to step forward to do their part in rebuilding the shattered lives of millions of their poor fellow citizens affected by the recent floods. The world is interlinked, each nation will have connections with other nations, therefore it may not be beneficial for rich nations to not help poor nations since there may be times when rich nations would need their help. We are all living on the earth, if we do not help poor nations, who will.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Environmental Effects Of Global Warming Essays - Climate Change

Environmental Effects Of Global Warming Environmental Effects of Global Warming The greenhouse effect and global warming are issues that are talked about by geologists all the time. The greenhouse effect is a natural process that keeps the earth at temperatures that are livable. Energy from the sun warms the earth when its heat rays are absorbed by greenhouse gasses and become trapped in the atmosphere. Some of the most common greenhouse gasses are water vapor, carbon dioxide, and methane. If there were no greenhouse gasses, very few rays would be absorbed and the earth would be extremely cold. When too many rays are absorbed, the earths atmosphere starts to warm, which leads to global warming. Americans are the leading cause for this phenomenon and our behavior is leading to many problems that are affecting the environment in which we live. In order to talk about global warming, we must first learn what causes the greenhouse effect. A lot of the rays from the sun are absorbed by water vapor that is naturally in our atmosphere. Water vapor accounts for 80 percent of natural greenhouse warming. The remaining 20 percent is due to other gasses that are present in very small amounts (Murck, Skinner and Porter 488). Carbon dioxide is also a big absorber of the suns heat rays. Humans can cause a lot of carbon dioxide to be released. Every time we burn fossil fuels, we release more carbon dioxide. Emissions from cars also increase the Rounds 2 amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. If there is more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere more rays from the sun are absorbed. This will cause the atmosphere and the earths temperature to warm. The warming of the earth will cause the oceans to become warmer. When they heat up, more water is evaporated, causing more carbon dioxide to be released into the atmosphere. Once this process starts, it is extremely hard to control. If the temperature keeps rising, more carbon dioxide will be released. Another greenhouse gas is methane: Methane absorbs infrared radiation 25 times more effectively than carbon dioxide, making it an important greenhouse gas despite its relatively low concentration (490). There have been many studies on how methane is released into the atmosphere. Methane in the atmosphere is generated by biological activity related to rice cultivation, leaks in domestic and industrial gaslines, and the digestive process of domestic livestock, especially cattle (490). An environmental effect of global warming is the fact that higher temperatures will lead to a change in the water cycle. Some places may experience more rain. Warmer temperatures will cause a greater amount of evaporation from lakes, rivers, and oceans. In some areas this could be good, and in others it could be considered bad. In northern regions of the United States, an increase in the temperature and amount of rain could actually extend the growing season of crops. This would in turn mean more money for farmers in the northern region. It could also hurt some farmers. Too much rain is bad for some crops. Certain areas will actually get less rain, which would lead to more droughts and have a negative impact on crops. Warm and wet weather is usually a factor Rounds 3 that promotes tropical storms. Global warming would lead to tropical storms appearing with greater frequency. More rain will also force plant life to adjust. Forests and plant life migrates naturally, but scientists say that global warming would cause them to migrate at a much faster rate. If the climate changes the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change says, some forest species in North America will shift by as much as 300 miles to the north ( If a region is getting more rain and plants on the border of that region need rain to survive, they will naturally begin growing in the new region. The Environmental Media Services Organization has found that the greenhouse effect could drive global temperatures up as much as 6 degrees by the year 2100 - an increase in heat comparable to the 10 degree warming that ended the last ice age ( If a ten-degree warming was the factor that ended the ice age, imagine what another warming by about that same amount

Monday, November 25, 2019

Definition and Examples of Sententiae in Rhetoric

Definition and Examples of Sententiae in Rhetoric In classical rhetoric, a  sententia  is a maxim, proverb, aphorism, or popular quotation: a brief expression of conventional wisdom. Plural: sententiae. A  sententia, said the Dutch  Renaissance humanist  Erasmus, is an adage  that bears particularly on â€Å"instruction in living (Adagia, 1536). See Examples and Observations below. Also see: 2,000 Pure Fools: An Anthology of AphorismsCommonplaceEnthymemeLogosWhat Is a Maxim? EtymologyFrom the Latin, feeling, judgment, opinion Examples and Observations It is best to insert sententiae discreetly, that we may be viewed as judicial advocates, not moral instructors.(Rhetorica ad Herennium, c. 90 BC)A mans as miserable as he thinks he is.(Seneca the Younger)No man is laughable who laughs at himself.(Seneca the Younger)Things forbidden have a secret charm.(Tacitus)Greater things are believed of those who are absent.(Tacitus)A bad peace is worse than war.(Tacitus)Post-Ciceronian Latin gave vigor and point to style by the frequent use of sententiaeclever, sometimes epigrammatic, apothegmatic turns of phrase: what oft was thought but ner so well expressd, as Alexander Pope was to put it. Quintilian devotes a chapter to sententiae (8.5), acknowledging that they had become a necessary part of the orators art.(George A. Kennedy, Classical Rhetoric. Encyclopedia of Rhetoric. Oxford University  Press, 2001)Sententiae in the Renaissance- A sententia, which had overtones of its classical Latin sense of judgement, was a pithy and memorable phrase : a recitall of some grave matter which both beautified and graced a style. Several writers were clear that testimony could take the form of a Notable sentence or was a sententia of a witness. Richard Sherry, in his Treatise of Schemes and Tropes (1550), closely associated the sententia with the argument from testimony or authority when he defined it as one of the seven kinds of figure called Indicacio, or authoritie.(R.W. Serjeantson, Testimony. Renaissance Figures of Speech, ed. by Sylvia Adamson, Gavin Alexander, and Katrin Ettenhuber. Cambridge University  Press, 2008)- Scholasticism developed around the medieval tendency to treat ancient sourcesboth the Bible and certain texts of classical antiquityas authoritative. So strong was this tendency that individual sentences from a respected source, even when taken out of context, could be employed to secure a point in debate. These isolated statements from ancient sources were called sententiae. Some authors collected large number s of sententiae into anthologies for educational and disputational purposes. Disputes centered on debatable points suggested by one or more sententiae, these debatable notions being called quaestiones. Education by debating general topics drawn from authoritative statements reveals one way in which rhetorical and dialectical practices made their way into the Middle Ages. . . .Writers now known as the Italian Humanists were responsible for a resurgence of interest in the languages and texts of classical antiquity during the Renaissance period, an orientation referred to as classicism. . . .[T]he Humanists sought to place the text in its historical context, in order to establish the correct value of words and phrases. . . . As noted [above], the scholastic practice of splintering classical sources into individual statements or sententiae led to the loss of original meaning and even of authorial identity. Charles Nauert writes, from Petrarch onward, humanists insisted on reading each o pinion in its context, abandoning the anthologies . . . and subsequent interpretations and going back to the full original text in search of the authors real meaning.(James A. Herrick, The History and Theory of Rhetoric, 3rd ed. Pearson, 2005) Pronunciation: sen-TEN-she-ah

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Supply chain management Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Supply chain management - Case Study Example The marketing area of Chemtech is primarily concerned with taking orders from the customer for their next month’s requirement. It then makes forecast and relays the same to the purchase department for timely delivery of the same. The department feels that lack of effective planning by supply chain management is responsible for the problems in meeting the customers’ demands. Answer 2 Chemtech needs to streamline its coordination between the departments and ensure that the logistic planning for at least three months is made in advance. This would give the suppliers more time to make arrangements for slow moving products as well as ensure availability of inventory that is often required at short notice. The company should also show more confidence on its long term suppliers and help understand their problems. Logistics and supply chain is vital part of business strategy and therefore concerted efforts for efficient receipt and delivery of goods and services need to be impl emented. Effective computerization of its various in house operations and functions would ensure smooth flow of information leading to improved performance outcome. The computerization would also help to forecast the products requirement so that it can maintain the inventory and meet the requirements of the customers at short notice. Answer 3 The suppliers like Potash should seek trust and at least three months time from its customers like Chemtech for delivery of products which are slow moving. The repeated threats of change in the suppliers by Chemtech have also significantly lowered the morale of Potash. As a result, the company has also started looking for fresh long term customers who could give them realistic time margin to meet their demands. The three months advance order would also enable the company to increase its stock of products which could be required by customers at short notice. While suppliers maintain large stock of products that are in high demand, the short supp ly of slow moving products often becomes huge liability for them. Hence, longer lead time for such products would facilitate the suppliers to coordinate its own logistics and supply chain. The linkages with external agencies are important part of logistics and supply chain management. Thus companies that are able to develop trust and mutual understanding would greatly benefit from long term relationship. (words: 500) Case study 15.1 Answer 1 There general challenges and issues

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

What Are the Ways of Controlling and Treating International Employees Essay

What Are the Ways of Controlling and Treating International Employees - Essay Example It is evidently clear from the discussion that in the 21st century, many business organizations have laid down strategies to the international market in an effort to increase their business profitability. As domestic markets become saturated, most business firms create an international strategy to invest in growing markets for their products. While new market segments provide organizations with opportunities to grow, they pose a great challenge to the management and these challenges may lead to the failure of these organizations. International market segments have unique business characteristics, customer demands, regulations, and cultural differences. In principle, international markets require unique approaches due to the variation in market characteristics. The concept of international employees has gained more attention as companies anticipate meeting workers from different countries and who differ in terms of work attitude, culture, religion, color, and race. All these factors b ecome increasingly important as companies venture in international markets where the employee mix becomes increasingly complex. The managers are faced with the challenge of accommodating the differences of international employees and adopting tactics to ensure that they work harmoniously within the same organization. Effective leadership strategies are essential for managers to control and treat international employees and to ensure that they are aligned with the organizational goals. The role that employees play within an organization is crucial and this explains why international companies must pay keen attention to employee coordination within the workplace. Employees are major stakeholders within an organization and the role they play has a direct impact on the organization output.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Key Factors Affect In Car Buying In Shanghai Dissertation

Key Factors Affect In Car Buying In Shanghai - Dissertation Example There were also several corporations that distorted the place of factories in China from dispensation trade bases to production bases for domestic supply depending on the market expansion. In the case of processed food manufacturers, the position of Chinese factories thus far was to process worldwide procured raw materials in China and export them to Japan. This approach is based on the opinion concerning modify in the consumer market that the insist for processed food will produce because there are many dual-income families and families in China often go out for Long routed drive (Kim, L., 2003, 506-521). Findings Consumer market growing at multiple levels According to the latest research, In the Chinese market, the purchasing power of heart income earners and over is increasing in the urban areas of coastal regions. In addition, incomes are rising in the urban areas in the inland and northeastern regions, and consumer behavior is ahead momentum in wide-ranging regions and income groups. At the same time, though, it has become clear from this study that there are lots of factors that cannot be precise by averages, such as differences in consumer behavior in the urban and rural areas in the Chinese market as well as disparities in consumer behavior by income group inside cities as well. Retailers such as Car dealers that have entered the Chinese market have seen strapping business results in China, which has acceded to the WTO and is rapidly making progress in deregulation.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Devadasi System in India

Devadasi System in India Commonly known as dancing girls or temple girls is a system that has come in to existence for more than thousand years. When the great tamil kings belonging to the erstwhile Chola, Chera and Pandya Kings built huge temples for their gods, they felt that there is a need to maintain these temples in a proper way and thus need full time devotees to take care of the diety and the temple premises. One other angle given to constructing Huge temples are to protect the people from flood, cyclone or any other natural disaster. In other words, temples are meant to be shelter for the people of that area from natural disasters. Hence they appointed girls to maintain these temples. The main function of these girls are to sing and performing dances and taking care of the diety. They are considered to be the wives of the gods in the temple in which they are appointed. They are not allowed to marry any mortal man during their life time. These girls are held in High esteem as they are considered to b e close confident of the god. The dance which they perform is famously known as Barathanatyam the most famous dance form of South India. This practice of dedicating girls to deities are commonly known as Devadasi System and the girls thus dedicated are known as Devadasi which is a Sanskrit word or Thevaradiyar which is a Tamil word that literally means female slaves of the god. As mentioned above these Devadasi are expected to be experts in Music and Dance. As years passed their service shifted from gods to earthly gods and lords . They are forced to do service not only to the deities, but also to the landlords and rich devotees of the deities. In short, they started living the life of a prostitute with religious sanction and customary backing. Initially this system was prevalent only among the upper caste Hindus particularly of the Brahmin community . The British colonization of India brought major change in the religious and cultural fabric of India. The upper caste Brahmins occupied major positions in British rule and were able to recognize the dance performed by Devadasi as Bharatanatyam and were able to give a cultural supremacy for this form of dance, thus bringing out devadasiss to main stream of life. However, the Brahminical Hindu Religion which is known for its Caste imbalances and discrimination against the lower caste sowed the seeds of the system into economically, politically and socially disadvantaged lower caste Dalit Hindus. This system started spreading its tentacles to other parts of the country in different forms and names such as Bogams in Andhra Pradesh, Jogatis or Basavis in Karnataka, Thevaradiyar in Tamil Nadu, Muralis in Maharashtra, Maharis in Kerala. Dalits dedicated their girls to the Diety mainly because of two reasons one is because of the superstitious belief that it will bring glory to their family and their village, the other one is the economical reason that it is very difficult for the parents to marry of their daughter because of the prevalent dowry system and also if they dedicate the girl to the Diety, their family will be taken care of by the village rich man to whom the girl do the sexual favours in the name of the Diety. Over a period of time, this practice has represented a clear violation of Human Rights with these Dalit Devadasis were dedicated with a hidden object of performing sexual favours to initially upper caste Hindus and then they become a public property forcing them to enter prostitution. They are also not allowed to marry any man of their choice and often fell a prey into the hands of Broker agents representing brothels from Mumbai and other areas. Several movements India is a party to a number of Human Rights Instruments like that of International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights 1966, The International Covenant for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights 1966, The International Convention for the Elimination of All forms of racial Discrimination 1966 which advocates for among others, equal rights for women and prohibits racial discrimination in any count. Added to that provincial states in India has enacted legislation like The Bombay Devadasi Act 1934, The Devadasi(Prevention of Dedication) Madras Act 1947; The Karnataka Devadasi (Prohibition of Dedication) Act, 1982 to tackle this menace of Devadasi System. Irrespective of this, it is widely reported that this system prevails in some parts of India particularly among the Dalit community. This paper attempts to find out the root causes of the system and the reason why this system is still prevalent in India. Accordingly, this paper is divided into four parts, the ongoing is the first part that introduces the topic, Part II deals with the History and Origin of Devadasi System, Part III deals with the Social movements that fought against the Devadasi system, Part IV analyses Indias obligation to eradicate the system in line with the international obligation which it assumed through various treaties and finally part IV concludes with recommendations to eradicate the same. DEVADASI SYSTEM AND VIOLATIONS OF HUMAN RIGHTS: STATUS OF INDIAS LEGAL OBLIGATION Devadasis could face discrimination on three counts viz as a woman, as a Dalit and sometimes as a child. International community has time and again tried to address the issue by way of multilateral Conventions/Treaties making member states to eliminate these kind of discriminations. Accordingly a number of International Instruments are made at the international level to address these menace which includes the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), the International Covenant for Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), the International Covenant for Economic Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR), the International Convention for Elimination of Racial Discrimination (ICERD), the Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimintion against Women (CEDAW). One of the purposes of the United Nations is to achieve international co-operation in promoting and encouraging respect for human rights and for fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, sex, language or religion and to be a centre for harmonizing the actions of nations in the attainment of this purpose. Art 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. Art 2 further bestows rights upon individuals without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Similarly Art of the International Covenant for Civil and Political Rights 1966, prohibits discrimination of any kind including discrimination based on social origin . Art 2(1) of ICCPR mandates the state parties to ensure to all individuals within its territory and subject to its jurisdiction the rights recognized in the present covenant. Art 2(2) requires the state parties to adopt such legislative or other measures as may be necessary to give effect to the rights As mentioned above, India is a founding member of these Conventions. However India has not till date enacted any enabling legislation to implement the same in the domestic sphere. Without an implementing legislation Indian courts may not be able to enforce the provision of these treaties in the domestic realms. Needless to say, Treaties are considered to be the main source of international law. When it comes to human rights, treaties play an important role. Human rights treaties have contributed to the development of customary rules and general principles of international law. They create obligations not only among parties but also between parties and individuals. More important, these treaties have become a source of inspiration to many judges and lawyers in their interpretation of domestic legislation. Some international organizations grant their membership only to those states, which. ratify certain human rights treaties. The ratification of human rights treaties demonstrates the ratifying states adherence to civilised standards. As a result, a states credentials in international society depend in part a1 least on the acceptance of and compliance with its obligations under human rights treaties. Thus the ratification of Human Rights treaties by India may be seen as an act to outshow the world that it is a civilized nation thus avoiding isolation in international Human Rights diplomacy. But the non-enactment of a domestic enabling legislation alone cannot be considered as failure on the part of the member state to fulfill the international obligation which it assumed by way of treaty. A state may not go for the enactment of domestic legislation if it is satisfied with its existing legislative mechanism that the legislation in place are sufficient enough to tackle the menace. In this regard it is imperative to look and analyse the legislative mechanism in India aimed at the abolition of the system of Devadasi. Indian Constitutional and Legal Provisions relating to Womens Rights Indian Constitution contains several provisions relating to women and children. However equality and freedom has always been neglected in the name .of custom, honour, family welfare and social prestige. Equality that is guaranteed in the constitution of India is a dynamic one. While hoping for the ideal of equality, it does not recognise the realities of inequalities. Article 14 of the Constitution recognises equality before law for all citizens without any discrimination. Article 15 prohibits discrimination on grounds of religion, race, caste, sex or place of birth. Article 15 (3) says about protective discrimination to women and children and Article 21 says about the protection of life and liberty to all. The Constitution also ensures protection against traffic in human beings and forced labour. Art 42 says about provisions for just and humane conditions of work and maternity relief. The protection for women in the work place is given in factories Act 1948. It includes several welfare regulations and protective measures for women and children in working places, section 125 of criminal procedure code 1973 provides maintenance to women. Indian penal code Sections 509, 294 and 354 deals with Eve-teasing and sexual Harassment. The Indecent Representation Of women (protection) Act, 1986 for preventing the depiction of a woman in a manner which is derogating or denigrating to women, or which is likely to corrupt public morality through advertisement. Publications, writings, paintings, figures, or in any other manner. Indian Judiciary was also pro-active in guarding womens rights in general. In some of the leading cases such as In State of u.P. v. Boden Sundara Rao the Apex Court came down h eavily on the High Court of Andhra Pradesh for awarding grossly inadequate sentence in the following words: Crimes against women are c;m the rise. Imposition of grossly inadequate sentence and particularly against the mandate of the legislature not only is an injustice to .the victim of the crime in particular and the society as a whole in general, but also at times encourages a criminal. The courts must not only keep in view the rights of the criminal but also the rights of the victim of a crime and the society at large while considering importance of appropriate punishment. In Vishaka v. State of Rajasthan. The Vishaka, an Organization working for the welfare of the women, moved toSC when a social worker was gangraped in Rajasthan. While deciding the case the Supreme Court brought the international conventions in Indian Law. How they are trying to incorporate it is very well understood from the words. . Some Provisions in the CEDAW-Arts 11 and 24 as also general recommendations of CEDAW in this context-articles 11, 22, 23, 24 as ratified in the present context are of significant. According to the Supreme Court, Sexual harassment includes such unwelcome behaviour (whether directly or by implication) as: (i) physical contact or advances: (ii) a demand to request for sexual favours; (iii) sexllally co loured remarks; (iv) showing pornography; (v) any other unwelcome physical, verbal or non-verbal conduct of sexual behaviour. Though the Indian system is quite effective in protecting the Womens rights, it served limited purpose in protecting women who are Devadasis particularly from the Dalit community. Needless to say there were several legislations which prohibited this system and provided rehabilitation for the same.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

History of Computers :: Technology Computers Essays

History of Computers When you think about the origins of the electronic digital computer, what scientists’ names come to mind? Many historians give the credit to the American scientists J. Presper Eckert and John W. Mauchy. They built their Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC) during World War II. These two scientists founded the first private computer systems company. Although most people recognize Eckert and Mauchy as the persons accountable for the computer industry, historians are beginning to recognize a more unfamiliar history of the computer, its roots in the military establishment. (Meyers) The birth of the abacus was the beginning of computer history. The abacus is a wooden rack that holds two horizontal wires with beads strung on them. Moving the beads on the abacus can solve regular arithmetic problems. Thomas of Colmar developed the desktop calculator. While great advances were made in mathematical physics between 1850 and 1900, mechanical engineering and science began to make important advances in several areas by the time WWI broke out in 1939. The Navy was particularly interested in the development of advanced technology beginning in World War I. â€Å"Important advances in naval warfare, including the use of mechanical directors and computers for fire control, the use of radio for communication across great distances, and the development of the attack submarine posed new technical problems for strategists.† (Flamm) A consulting board was set up in order to screen the proposals of outside inventors. The board also set up a laboratory to work on the problems of antisubmarine warfare, and eventually the Naval Research Laboratory was then established in 1923. The development of RADAR, radio communications, and the interception of encrypted enemy communications traffic were all supported by the Navy’s postwar research efforts. â€Å"Because signals transmitted by radio could be intercepted much more easily than communications over land lines, cryptanalysis became an economic means of acquiring in telligence about the intentions of foreign, especially naval, military forces.† (Flamm) During the 1930s, the Navy supported substantial work on servomechanisms at MIT. The analog computers were developed after Navy officers enrolled as graduate students in MIT’s Servomechanism Laboratory.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Software Security Risk Analysis Using Fuzzy Expert System

| | |Software Level of Security Risk Analysis Using Fuzzy | |Expert System | |[ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENT] |UNIVERSITI TEKNIKAL MALAYSIA MELAKA FACULTY OF INFORMATION & COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY SESSION 2 – 2010/2011 |NURUL AZRIN BT AIRRUDIN – B031010343 | |SITI NURSHAFIEQA BT SUHAIMI – B031010313 | |NUR SHAHIDA BT MUHTAR – B031010266 | | | |LECTURE NAME: DR ABD.SAMAD HASSAN BASARI | | | |[12th APRIL 2011] | SOFTWARE LEVEL OF SECURITY RISK ANALYSIS USING FUZZY EXPERT SYSTEM ABSTRACT There is wide concern on the security of software systems because many organizations depend largely on them for their day-to-day operations. Since we have not seen a software system that is completely secure, there is need to analyze and determine the security risk of emerging software systems.This work presents a technique for analyzing software security using fuzzy expert system. The inputs to the system are suitable fuzzy sets representing linguistic values for software secu rity goals of confidentiality, integrity and availability. The expert rules were constructed using the Mamdani fuzzy reasoning in order to adequately analyze the inputs. The defuzzication technique was done using Centroid technique. The implementation of the design is done using MATLAB fuzzy logic tool because of its ability to implement fuzzy based systems.Using newly develop software products from three software development organizations as test cases, the results show a system that can be used to effectively analyze software security risk. ANALYSIS AND DESIGN The design is basically divided into four stages: 1) DESIGN OF THE LINGUISTIC VARIABLES The inputs to the system are the values assumed for the software security goal thru confidentiality, integrity and availability. The goals are assumed to be the same weight and a particular valued is determined for each of them based on questions that are answered about the specific software.Also the values determined for each of the inpu t are defined as a fuzzy number instead of crisp numbers by using suitable fuzzy sets. Designing the fuzzy system requires that the different inputs (that is, confidentiality, integrity, and availability) are represented by fuzzy sets. The fuzzy sets are in turn represented by a membership function. The membership function used in this paper is the triangular membership function which is a three point function defined by minimum, maximum and modal values where usually represented in 1. [pic]Figure 1: Triangular Membership Function 2) THE FUZZY SETS The level of confidentiality is defined based on the scales of not confidential, slightly confidential, very confidential and extremely confidential. The level of integrity is also defined based on the scales very low, low, high, very high, and extra high. Also, the level of availability is also defined by the scales very low, low, high, very high and extra high. The levels defined above are based on a range definition with an assumed int erval of [0 -10]. The ranges for the inputs are shown in tables 1 and 2. DESCRIPTION |RANGE | |Non-Confidential |0-1 | |Slightly Confidential |2-3 | |Confidential |4-6 | |Very Confidential |7-8 | |Extremely Confidential |9-10 | Table 1: Range of inputs for Confidentiality Very Low |Low |High |Very High |Extra High | |0 – 1 |2 – 3 |4 – 6 |7 – 8 |9 – 10 | Table 2: Range of inputs for Integrity |Very Low |Low |High |Very High |Extra High | |0 – 1 |2 – 3 |4 – 6 |7 – 8 |9 – 10 |Table 3: Range of inputs for Availability |DESCRIPTION |RANGE | |Not Secure |0 – 3 | |Slightly Secure |4 – 9 | |Secure |10 – 18 | |Very Secure |19 – 25 | |Extremely Secure |26 – 30 | Table 4: Level Of Security RiskThe fuzzy sets above are represented by membership functions. The corresponding membership functions for confidentiality, integrity and availability are presented in figures below [pic] Figure 1 : Mem bership functions for Confidentiality Similarly, the output, that is, the level of security risk is also represented by fuzzy sets and then a membership function. The level of security risk is defined based on the scales: not secure, slightly secure, secure, very secure, and extremely secure within the range of [0- 30].The range definition is shown in table above. The membership function for the output fuzzy set is presented in figure below. [pic] Figure 2 : Membership functions for Integrity [pic] Figure 3 : Membership functions for Availability [pic] Figure 4 : Level Of Security Risk 3) THE RULES OF THE FUZZY SYSTEM Once the input and output fuzzy sets and membership functions are constructed, the rules are then formulated. The rules are formulated based on the input parameters (confidentiality, integrity, and availability) and the output i. e. level of security risk.The levels of confidentiality, integrity, and availability are used in the antecedent of rules and the level of sec urity risk as the consequent of rules. A fuzzy rule is conditional statement in the form: IF x is A THEN y is B. Where x and y are linguistic variables; and A and B are linguistic values determined by fuzzy sets on universe of discourses X and Y, respectively. Both the antecedent and consequent of a fuzzy rule can have multiple parts. All parts of the antecedent are calculated simultaneously and resolved in a single number and the antecedent affects all parts of the consequent equally.Some of the rules used in the design of this fuzzy Systems are as follow: 1. If (Confidentiality is Not Confidential) and (Integrity is Very Low) and (Availability is Very Low) then (Security Risk is Not Secure). 2. If (Confidentiality is Not Confidential) and (Integrity is Very Low) and (Availability is Low) then (Security Risk is Slightly Secure). 3. If (Confidentiality is Extremely Confidential) and (Integrity is Extra High) and (Availability is High) then (Security Risk is Slightly Secure). †¦ †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 125.If (Confidentiality is Not Confidential) and (Integrity is Very Low) and (Availability is high) then (Security Risk is Extremely Secure). The rules above were formulated using the Mamdani max-min fuzzy reasoning. DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION The linguistic variables were determined with the extent of the positive and negative responses to a well constructed security questions that are presented in form of on-line questionnaire. As it was mentioned earlier, MATLAB was used for the implementation. The linguistic inputs to the system are supplied through the graphical user interface called rule viewer.Once the rule viewer has been opened, the input variables are supplied in the text box captioned input with each of them separated with a space. a) THE FIS EDITOR The fuzzy inference system editor shows a summary of the fuzzy inference system. It shows the mapping of the inputs to the system type and to the output. The names of the input variables and the processing methods for the FIS can be changed through the FIS editor. Figure 5: The FIS editor b) THE MEMBERSHIP FUNCTION EDITOR This can be opened from the command window by using the plotmf function but more easily through the GUI.The membership function editor shows a plot of highlighted input or output variable along their possible ranges and against the probability of occurrence. The name and the range of a membership value can be changed, so also the range of the particular variable itself through the membership function editor. [pic] Figure 6: The Membership Function editor c) THE RULE EDITOR The rule editor can be used to add, delete or change a rule. It is also used to change the connection type and the weight of a rule. The rule editor for this application is shown in figure 7. pic] Figure 7: Rule Editor d) THE RULE VIEWER The text box captioned input is used to supply the three input variables needed in the system. The appropriate input corresponds to the number of YES answer in the questionnaire for each of the input variables. For example, in the figure 8, all the input variables are 5 and the corresponding output is 13. 9, which specified at the top of the corresponding graphs. The input for each of the input variables is specified at the top of the section corresponding to them, so also the output variable.The rule viewer for this work is presented in figure 8. [pic] Figure 8: The Rule editor e) THE SURFACE VIEWER The surface viewer shown in figure 9 is a 3-D graph that shows the relationship between the inputs and the output. The output (security Risk) is represented on the Z-axis while 2 of the inputs (Confidentiality and Integrity) are on the x and y axes and the other input (Availability) is held constant. The surface viewer shows a plot of the possible ranges of the input variables against the possible ranges of the output. 4) EVALUATIONThe security risk analysis system was evaluated using three newly completed software products from three different s oftware development organizations. The output determines the security level of software under consideration. The summary of the evaluation is given in figure 11. For product A, 5 is the score for confidentiality, 5 for the integrity and 5 for the availability. |Software |Input |Output |Significance |Security Level | |Product A |5 5 5 |13. |45% slightly secure, 55% secure |46. 33 % | |Product B |8 7 8 |24. 2 |20% secure, 80% very secure |80. 60 % | |Product C |10 10 10 |28. 4 |35% very secure, 65% extremely secure |94. 67 % | Table 5 : Evaluation of Different Input Variables [pic] Figure 9 : The Surface Viewer [pic] Figure 10 : Histogram & 3D CONCLUSION AND FINDINGThus, this work proposes a fuzzy logic-based technique for determination of level of security risk associated with software systems. Fuzzy logic is one of the major tools used for security analysis. The major goals of secure software which are used as the inputs to them system are the preservation of confidentiality (preven ting unauthorized disclosure of information), preservation of integrity (preventing unauthorized alteration of information) and preservation of availability (preventing unauthorized destruction or denial of access or service to an authentic user).It might be necessary to redesign this system in a way that it will be deployable and will be without the use of MATLAB. It might also be necessary to use an adaptive fuzzy logic technique for security risk analysis. We have been able to design a system that can be used to evaluate the security risk associated with the production of secure software systems. This will definitely help software organizations meet up with the standard requirements. A technique for assessing security of software system before final deployment has been presented.The result of this study shows that if the software producing companies will incorporate security risk analysis into the production of software system, the issue of insecurity of software will be held to the minimum if not eliminated. This study has also revealed that if each of the software security goals can be increased to the maximum, then the level security will also be increased and the risk associated will be eliminated. Finally, security risk analysis is a path towards producing secure software and should be considered a significant activity by software development organizations.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Bob Roberts essays

Bob Roberts essays The movie Bob Roberts is a political satire based on one mans campaign for a seat in the Senate. A British documentary crew is on hand to film Roberts' campaign and captures the frightening possibilities of a steamrolling campaign and all it can experience along its trail to Washington. Of course Bob Roberts the character is about as real as an honest politician, however the film's fiction comes closer to fact than many of todays politicians would like us to believe. Writer-director Tim Robbins plays Bob Roberts in this thought-provoking dramatic and political satire about a 1990 Pennsylvania race for the U.S. Senate. At first, it's easy to laugh at Roberts' phony-baloney public facade as he strums pro-capitalist folk songs such as "I Want to Be Rich" and "This Land Was Made for Me." Later, though, the laughs fade as we get a glimpse behind Roberts' hospitable mask and witness a snake pit of guns-for-drugs trades, cash looted from failed savings-and-loan institutions and ex-CIA campaign managers. A documentary filmmaker is along for the ride and captures Roberts sound-bite campaign against liberal incumbent Senator Brickley Paiste (Gore Vidal.) The rest of the cast is sprinkled with such notable actors as James Spader, Helen Hunt, Susan Sarandon, Fred Ward and Peter Gallagher in cameo roles. Most of them play television news reporters that are as biased as Bob Roberts campaign is crooked. This is how the film allows the media to portray itself throughout. During the film the media is very biased towards both campaigns. One particular example of this is when Bob Roberts is about to go on the show Good Morning Philadelphia. Right before he goes on, the host of the show tells him that she does not support his views. This leads to the two of them having an exchange on the air about differing points of view. While this seems to be an uncomfortable moment for the candidate, it ...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

5 Tips to Compose an Effective Deductive Essay

5 Tips to Compose an Effective Deductive Essay 5 Tips to Compose an Effective Deductive Essay Many students get terrified when learning that they are to perform a deductive essay. Different thoughts come across their minds. They get anxious about such complex terms as deductive reasoning, deductive thinking, and similar definitions. In fact, there is nothing complicated about deductive reasoning process. The main point is to write enough data on the studied topic to clarify your main idea. While writing a deductive essay, you should base your strategy on a specific concept. You are expected to introduce a set of topic-related clues, premises and/or circumstances. These guidelines should develop a situation and come up with a clear and logical assumption. In other words, your major objective is to provide a solution giving specified information in enough amounts. A writer is supposed to make a thorough research of the assigned or chosen topic. Weighing all advantages and disadvantages, it’s needed to draw a reasonable conclusion. Accordingly, the data you’re going to use in this specific piece of writing is utterly important. It must be relevant and convincing. Setting Tone First, you should take into account the tone of your writing. It must be factual and objective. This is a compulsory obligation. Introduce facts and try to be objective. Be honest in your judgments and avoid the subjective point of view. Choosing Your Topic The selection of a topic is of great importance. You ought to be careful. First of all, you should avoid topics that can evoke an overly emotional response. Writing on such themes, you will hardly manage to remain objective. Secondly, your topic is supposed to be relevant and interesting to your readers. Therefore, pick up a non-emotional and significant topic. For instance, you may choose: Online Education. Pros and cons. Democracy vs. Communism. Cultural differences and similarities in your country. Writing Premise The initial part of this essay type is the premise. This technique is very effective because it makes your topic more attractive. An author uses it to craft the conclusion. You may use several premises. Giving some hints on what will be discussed in your research, will ignite the interest in potential readers. Mind that your introduction should clearly explain your main purpose and the problem you are going to disclose. Provide the background of the issue. Study your main question and background carefully. This essay type is based on the facts. Introducing the Evidence The evidence is undeniably vital for such academic paper as a deductive essay. After you write the thesis statement, you should develop your main argument supporting it with examples and proven facts. Supporting paragraphs contain detailed explanations of your main purpose. Each paragraph should have a sub-topic to guide the readers throughout the entire work. The evidence given in all paragraphs must be relevant and official. Therefore, verify all the data you use to state your claims. Don’t forget that you cannot be subjective. You ought to exclude any personal experiences of your own or others. Concluding The conclusion is the defining chapter of your research. It draws the logical line for the premise, evidence, and the final words. It should be brief and straight to the point. It gives readers the balance. You are to restate your opinion. Mind that it should not be obligatorily the dead point. Your conclusion may look forward the future and express the idea for further researches that you wish to undertake. Neither should it be obligatorily positive. It’s not compulsory to write in a positive tone. The objective judgments may reveal negative outcomes of the researched issue. Some Important Details You should never forget definite features of deductive essays; no matter what topic is assigned. First, you have no right to lessen focus. Your research should have a sharp focus on what you explain. If you fail this demand, your readers will lose your point, and your work will be written in vain. Secondly, it is supposed to be clear. Clarity means a lot. Otherwise, your readers won’t understand what you mean. You’ll need plainly structured paragraphs with the organized thoughts. Every section should be logically connected with the previous one. Provide strong support and an effective conclusion. If you need professional assistance from academic experts, visit our service and order a custom deductive essay online, on any topic you need.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Ultra Vires with an Emphasis on the Law in Georgia Research Paper

Ultra Vires with an Emphasis on the Law in Georgia - Research Paper Example Sometimes this term is used to signify the act of directors of a firm in which they exceed the power granted them. The cases of Ultra Vires, which include case of Rayfield v Hands, Ashbury Railway Carriage and Iron Company and Shuttleworth v Cox Brothers and Company drives attention towards the laws regarding ultra vires in many states, including Georgia, along with the conditions which decide whether an act is ultra vires or not. There are many cases registered under ultra vires. One of them is the case of Rayfield v Hands. Field-Davis Ltd. was a firm doing business as constructors. This company followed the Companies Act 1929 and had share capital of 4000 Euros. These 4000 Euros were further divided into shares of one Euro each out of which 2900 were issued (â€Å"DOCTRINE OF ULTRA VIRES-EFFECTS AND EXCEPTIONS"). Leslie Rayfield was the plaintiff (now called claimant) and had 725 shares as a shareholder in the company (â€Å"DOCTRINE OF ULTRA VIRES-EFFECTS AND EXCEPTIONS†). Moreover, Gordon Wyndham Hands, Alfred William Scales and Donald Davies were the defendants as well as the directors of the firm. According to the article 11 of the articles of the association of company, it was necessary that the directors of the company will take the shares at a fair value if the shareholder informs them regarding his transfer of shares in the company. To this, the defendants disagreed to take in and pay the fair price to the plaintiff. The claimant filed a complaint and later it was found that the articles were put together in such a way due to which directors were required to purchase the shares at a fair value (Cassidy, 2008). The objects of Ashbury Railway Carriage and Iron Company written in its Memorandum of Association were to only supply the material necessary for construction of railways and not to work on construction of them. However company entered into the contract of building railways. This was clearly in opposition with the provision of the Company Act of 1862(â€Å"DOCTRINE OF ULTRA VIRES-EFFECTS AND EXCEPTIONS†). Due to this contract, being against the Memorandum of Association was considered as ultra vires and not even the directors of the company could act against it even with their mutual consent. The shareholders could have passed a resolution to sanction the release or they could have changed the terms and conditions that were a part of company’s memorandum or articles. In the case of Shuttleworth v Cox Brothers and Company, it was decided that the contract decided on the basis of the articles present in the memorandum between the firm and the plaintiff could under goes change. If this new change is in the favor of the company then the contract will not be breached and this change will be considered as valid. Due to this, there was no doubt left that the alteration could be beneficial for the firm. Since there was dearth of evidence to prove the act of alteration of bad intentions, hence shareholders coul d not be questioned. Considering all this, the claimant was not granted the relief (â€Å"DOCTRINE OF ULTRA VIRES-EFFECTS AND EXCEPTIONS†). Georgia has its own laws when it comes to ultra vires. Rules and regulations that are posed on the firms working under Georgia’s laws are, 1. A corporation’

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Enhancing Competitiveness through Strategic Marketing Term Paper

Enhancing Competitiveness through Strategic Marketing - Term Paper Example In the same vein, the organization will accomplish nothing if it spends less on the marketing of a product that requires more. The specific considerations include the newness or uniqueness of the product. If the product represents a market innovation or it is different from other products available in the target market, such a product has a built-in advantage, according to the so-called Porter generic strategy as posited by market analyst Michael Porter. Central to strategic marketing is the research data on how customers buy, what they buy, where they buy, how they buy. This elaborates the principle of the 4 Ps in marketing which are a product, price, place, and promotion. In the target market, the organization decides if it wants to be the industry leader, follower, challenger or niche-maker. Does it want to dominate this market or simply snag a share in it The scope and coverage of the market strategy depend on these choices based on conditions reflected in the market research? The company also determines if it wants to fast-track its sales effort by using aggressive methods or warfare-based tactics, which refer to defensive or offensive, flanking or guerrilla maneuvers.Before the actual market launch, a company prepares for the big event with its mind already made up on the mix of methods it will use. The marketing, promotion and advertising methods are already specified, along with the product packaging and physical distribution. Cost projections for sales and related activities are in place, while prices have been determined based on the end user's perspective. Also, the company must have determined the appropriate pricing and credit schemes as t o where introductory discounts would be offered. Equally important is the availability of plans to deal with competitors and some fallback measures in case the sales target is not reached.  Ã‚   Cost projections should be developed on the short-term, medium-term and long-term basis and drawn at least one year ahead of the product launch for good measure. This should be updated monthly at first and then quarterly or annually afterward.  

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Strategic Position of the UK Tourism Industry Essay

Strategic Position of the UK Tourism Industry - Essay Example The present research has identified that the UK tourism industry is facing tough competition from other tourist destinations in Europe, such as France, Italy, Spain, and Germany. Due to decline in the valuable US market, the industry is facing the slowdown. The increasing number of Chinese tourists over past few years and the high average spending capacity of these visitors present China as a potential emerging market for UK tourism. While competitive tourist destinations are already capturing Chinese visitors, UK tourism industry needs to take some urgent steps including promotion of UK as a favorite tourist destination along with government taking suitable measures related to visa and tax policies. The information regarding the strategic position of UK tourism industry and strategic option suitable for it are collected from secondary sources on the internet including newspaper articles, articles from websites, such as Visit Britain, tourism society, etc. Other authentic sources of secondary information have also been searched to take the strategic audit. In order to do the strategic audit, suitable marketing models are used. The report has focused on the tourism industry as a whole and complies with the guidelines of the national tourism agency of Britain i.e. Visit Britain. A threat of new entrants: The threat of new entrants into the tourism industry of UK is quite high. Earlier, there were only a handful of low-cost carriers in the airline sector of the tourism industry. However, today there are a significant number of low-cost carriers that are presenting competition to well-established low-cost carrier services of Ryan Air and Easy Jet. Considering the emergence of new destinations for tourists on the global tourism map, the threat of new entrants is high. Governments of several countries and specifically the third world countries, such as Sri Lanka, India, etc. are seeing tourism as the major source to give the boost to their economy. Â  

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Oceans support Essay Example for Free

Oceans support Essay What would happen to the earth’s terrestrial and aquatic species (a) if most of the world’s oceans disappeared and (b) if most of the world’s land disappeared? a) More than two- thirds of the earth’s surface is covered with oceans. These oceans support up to nine tents of the habitable environmement without which most the living organisms will perish. Several life forms are supported by the oceans. The coral reefs, salt marshes and sea grass beds are exampls of ocean environments which support a large number of species which live in symbiosis. It is vital to note that ocean water support land- dwelling organisms. The oceans influence the climate andd weather thus affecting life on land. The water from the ocean evaporates and rises. It then cools and forms rainfal which is important for the survival of land -dwelling organisms. The rainfall is also the basiss of rivers and lakes. It can therefore be concluded that if the oceans disapeared, most of the living organisms will dissapear. Perhaps a few organisns will remanin from the little water available but eventually it will dry up and no more life on earth. b) If most of the land disapeared, most land vegetation would dissapear. This means less food for land animals hence most land animals would die. Some aquatic animals depend on land for reproduction. Thus lack of land may cause extinction of such animals. This may cause imblance of life in the ocean causign the death of more life. It can be argued that most organisms would dissapear but some aquatic animals will survive. Why do deserts and arctic tundra support much smaller biomass of animals than do tropical forests? Why do most animals in tropical rain forest live in its trees? Arctic tundra occur at high latitudes. They receive little water as precipitation. Howewer, their soil remains wet since there is little evaporation due to low temperatures. Also the low temperatures lead to freezing of the soil thus prevenitng underground drainage. The low temperature affects the soil and climate in general and cannot favor the survival of many animals. This impplies low biomass. In the deserts there is a lot of heat and lack of water. Therefore desert animals must develop serveral adaptations in order to survive. Most are noctunal. Due to extra care the animals need to survive, they may not get favourable conditions for cohabiation hence low rate of reproduction. Most animal species cannot survive in the desert leading to low biomass. On the other hand toripical forests receive much rain and warmth throught the year and therefoe consist of tall trees. Due to availability of food and favourable climate many animals live in the forets. The animal reproduce faster than in the deserts. This results to a greater biomass. Many animals in the forest live in trees since they have to adopt themselves to the forests. The trees are tall and therefore the animals have to climb to find food and sunlight. The insects and birds mostly depend on nector which has to be found high up the trees. How would you reply to someone who argues that we should not worry about our effects on natural systems because natural succession will heal the wounds of human activities and restore the balance of nature? If nature is left alone it will always heal itself. Human activities deplete natural resources at a rate faster than it can sustain. Due human activities, there has been destruction of habitats. Forests have been destroyed which will take several years to recover. In the seas and oceans, there has been overexploitation of fish which bring about imbalance of aquatic ecosystems. Many fish species have become extinct which affects all organisms in the food chain. Human activities have also brought about global warming which has led to climate change. This change leads to extinction of plant and animal species. Man has also brought in some alien species of plants and animals which may affect those organisms in their natural habitat. How would you reply to someone who contends that efforts to preserve natural systems are not worthwhile because nature is largely unpredictable? One can argue that nature is unpredictable. However, most of the ways of nature are known. For instance it is known fish eat planktons. It is expected that if there is overfishing, there would be excess of phytoplankton. This will affect all other members in the food chains. Consequently marine life would be affected. Excess phytoplankton may decay and cause further damage. Some members in the food chain may become extinct. Also careless use of chemicals affects the sea life thus destabilizing the sea life. Inasmuch natural disasters and the course of nature may cause damage, deliberate harmful activities cause great damage quickly than would have been caused by natural disasters.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

How Genders Are Represented In Video Games Media Essay

How Genders Are Represented In Video Games Media Essay This paper will discuss how genders are represented as well as perceived in todays video games. With reforming feminist and equality groups attacking every outlet of mainstream news, video games have now become the new mass media that remains the only real form of entertainment that truly represents modern day views and beliefs. Recent games have shifted the trend from the macho stereotypic male hero protagonist to a more feminine female protagonist with great success, judging by recent Portal 2 sales in which the main protagonist was a female. This also remains true with antagonists as well. Gender can be used either in a subversive or sexist way. Females are often objectified predominantly by using powerful visual dynamics. This includes their mannerisms, roles in games but most often, the clothes they wear. Sexism has often been a talking point from as early as the 90s. In Ann Cudd and Leslie Jones paper Sexism,  sexism is define as à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ a systematic, pervasive, but often subtle, force that maintains the oppression of women, and that this is at work through institutional structures in interpersonal interactions and the attitudes that are expressed in them, and in the cognitive, linguistic, and emotional processes of individual mindsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ our very experience of the world (105-6). Censorship also plays are significant role on how genders are represented in video games. This greatly relates to nudity and sexual references. This could be seen as a positive as this forces game developers/publishers to think harder on the necessity that sex plays in their games. Is it really necessary and/or practical to have females represented as whores? Why should they be represented like this? Why are males represented so differently to females? You dont see many games representing males as whores. This is a good way of nailing developers into thinking harder about the characters, plot and settings. In the end, it comes down to how profitable a game can be and games do have to be tailored in order to be released in certain countries. One could argue that this damages video games as they have to be watered down potentially harming the games story, but does it really? Considering that many games portray females as sex objects and have no place in todays society, I tend to agree. As adults, we do have the right to choose what we want to look at but we also have the moral responsibility to do what is right, and this should remain true in video games. The games that will be looked at in this paper are: The Witcher, Dragon Age 2, Portal 2, Bulletstorm; and Hydrophobia: Prophecy. This will compare and contrast two game titles of similar nature in which gender representation in both games will be thoroughly examined. Game 1: The Witcher The Witcher is a role playing game delevoped by CD Projeckt RED STUDIO and was released as a PC exclusive in 2007. The game is based on a series of books by the same name by Polish author Andrzej Sapkowski. The game is based on a mediaeval fantasy world of Temeria  and tells the story Geralt of Rivia, a Witcher who was at some point killed or at the very least, near death but was later revived by his fellow witchers at their stronghold Kaer Morhen. Unfortunately, he loses his memory in the process. The player gains control of Geralt and lead him through a non-linear story in which the player makes moral choices that affect the overall outcome of the game. The game was censored at release in North America, Australia and the United Kingdom. This was later resolved through a patch known as the Enhanced Edition that failed to determine the users location (source), as well as improving on gameplay, graphics, loading times among other things. The main reason that this game was censored was how the game depicted women as well as receiving sex as a reward. Players were also rewarded what became to be known as sex cards, which depicted the women that you as Geralt slept with. There were also some modifications to the dialogue for what was said to be distasteful, for example, a scene where Geralt barges into a ladies house, Where the hell do you think youre going with all the dung on your boots?! Out with you! This was cut into Who are you? Get out! in the censored versions. One of the games focal aspects, apart from the immersive atmospheric world, story and gameplay, was on Geralts relationship with women. Witchers are generally perceived to be great sex machines but without the fantastic stereotypical looks (source). A good way to sum Geralt up is that hes an outsider, often referred to as a mutant in the game world and has many similarities, in terms of looks, to an albino. Relationships/sex does play an integral part of the game. Geralts choices in who he has relationships with, greatly affects the outcome, not only at the end but throughout the entire game. Women do have a dominant role in this game and this is evident with characters such as Shani, Abigail and Triss Merigold. All three are strong women and although highly sexualised, they do play a significant role in the game. Geralts relationships with all three, one as friends and the other two sexually, determines on how the game progresses in terms with the story. Prostitutes also play a significant role as the player can gain valuable information by both helping them on side quests and/or sleeping with them. A good example of this is Carmen, the madame at one of the brothels. She asks for your help on helping find a cure for a werewolf she loves in which you could either kill or save. At the end, you learn of the story on why she became a prostitute. A lady shunned by her father because she was raped and impregnated by the city guards. The game also implies, through dialogue, that she may have also been sexually abused by her father. What this shows is that the team at CD Projeckt put a lot of thought and meaning into the roles that gender plays in this game. While other games such as Grand Theft Auto put very little thought and reason into its ok to over sexualise women with rape, bashing and murder, The Witcher is one those few games that stands out in terms of both character and story development. It shows that in comparison to other games, women are strong, fierce and independent, and are able to stand up for their beliefs, ideas and ideologies. Game 2: Dragon Age 2 Dragon Age 2 follows the adventure of Hawke, a refugee from the nation of Ferelden who has fled to Kirkwall. The game itself is a series of flashbacks from the captured dwarve Varric, an old companion of Hawkes. The game was released on PC and Xbox 360 in 2011 by EA but developed in-house by Bioware. As with all traditional Bioware games, it features rich dialog, expansive worlds, deep meaningful storyline as well as strong willed women. In fact, Bioware put a lot of thought and emphasis in the roles women play in this games (as well as their other games) universe. Five of your companions in Dragon Age 2 are female. Females are represented to be strong, decisive, intellectual, cunning and possibly evil, and do play a significant role in the outcome of the game. At the beginning Dragon Age 2, Varric exaggerates and describes Hawkes companions with overly large bosoms which raises the question, why did the game developers choose to do this? This could be seen as a way of enticing male players (as well as females) into the game by over sexualising women in this fashion. It is a good marketing ploy by Bioware as it engages players, particularly males, to progress through the game. The game also introduces many relationships that the player may choose to pursue. It does contribute to the story in some way but it fails to play a significant part. Rather, players can choose to remain friends with their female companions instead of actively sleeping with them; it does not affect the progress of the game. Compared to the original, sex scenes are dumbed down. This is due to several reasons, specifically censorship. Many would say, judging by the complaints on user review site Metacritic, that this potentially damaged the game by ruining parts of the story where sex does play a role. Taking out true romanticising made the game seem unrealistic and gave the appearance that adding female companions did seem as an afterthought by the game developers. Are we to believe that there were no sexual tensions between Hawke and his female companions? Compared to The Witcher, getting interment with your female companions was a simple task of building your friendship bar by agreeing with your companions rather than taking decisive decisions, handing over gifts and teasing/flirting with them. The Witcher made romance seem an integral part of the game whereas Dragon Age 2 fails on this, adding romance seem as an afterthought and having no real consequences. Yes, females did play an overly important ro le in Dragon Age 2 but the romancing seemed unnecessary and could have been left out as it plays very little, if any, part of the story. Game 3: Portal 2 Perhaps one of the better titles to be released by Valve, its a highly entertaining emotional rollercoaster ride, one that will give you high hopes and later crush them. Portal 2 features a fantastic, engaging, hilarious plot (and soundtrack) with many twists and turns. Ironically, this game forces you to think with portals as many levels will leave you shaking your head is disbelief when a puzzle that should theoretically only take 5 minutes takes you more than 15. It certainly leaves a satisfying feeling when completing a complex puzzle.  Released in 2011, this game stands out from the usual crowd. Featuring a female protagonist by the name of Chell and a few helpful (or not so helpful) robot companions, GLaDOS and Wheatley, you attempt to transverse yourself out of the Aperture Science lab testing facility. Chell is portrayed as a strong willed and intelligent woman. The game steers away from hypersexualising Chell by avoiding somewhat traditional Lara Croft style clothing i.e. skintight latex, overly short shorts and/or a tight hugging bikini. Instead, Chell is represented wearing a plain orange jump suit which is an unobtrusive representation of the female protagonist. Most players progress through the game unaware that they are assuming the role of a female. Players only catch a glimpse of Chell when looking through portals as well as other reflective materials such water and glass. Both GLaDOS and Wheatley are treated in a similar fashion where gender plays very little significance, mainly because they are bots although this does change in the latter part of the game. We can differentiate between the two by both voices and attitudes, but not by outside looks. The writers at Valve provide a very interesting balance of power between the three characters. Choosing to represent female conflict by using emotional forms of abuse whilst avoiding any form of physical contact remains true with the stereotypes about women; they are cunning creatures. While in the latter half of the game, Valve took a feministic approach totally changing the dynamics of the game in which both Chell and GLaDOS form a working relationship and team against the common enemy, Wheatley. Wheatley is the only male character in the game. He transforms GLaDOS into a potato and attempts to murder Chell. This portrays both control and dominance that can be seen as subjectify women, either in reality or in the virtual world. From a feminist point of view, this form of behaviour is exactly what makes women put aside their differences (something which males cant do) and team up against the common enemy, proving once and for all that women are the stronger of the two sexes. Chell and GLaDOS are the two perfect examples of the two sides of femininity; Chell the domestic icon whereas GLaDOs represents the progressive, intelligent working woman. By killing GLaDOS, Chell can be seen as the dutiful safe woman conquering the dangerous feminist ( Game 4: Bulletstorm This is easily one of the most fun games Ive played in quite some time. The gameplay is just absolute effin amazing fun! Coupled with an engaging storyline and a hilarious script, this game is definitely a game that Ill be coming back to play just for pure entertainment. Although short, this game in no way becomes repetitive as your environment, enemies and weapons is ever changing. Get it for the singleplayer as multiplayer is completely consolised, meaning that, it uses a matchmaking system which takes forever to connect. The only positive I can take from it is that you can choose to play with friends. Its another game that Microsoft has again managed to ruin with their GFWL. Game 5: Hydrophobia: Prophecy Conclusion Sources